BOATO pursues and encourages corporate values, promoting every individual centricity to its full potential to get its employees together as a team and work toward a common business goal.
Confident of our code of ethics, we are attentive to the environment and active supporting local social inclusive projects, both in educational and sports field.

We go Sustainable!
Environment and Eco Sustainability
BOATO is very attentive and careful about environment issues, promoting reuse and recycle, cutting down waste and reducing ecological footprint by encouraging and implementing concrete projects:
- We integrate our products with green solutions (e.g. electricity regeneration, thermoregulation, smoke and dust abatement systems) with the goal of reducing production waste and CO2 emissions.
- We digitally store file,documents and technical drawings.
- We are planning energy efficiency upgrading works aimed to self-support consumption.
- We send virtual greeting cards for reducing paper consumption.
- We are lifetime Global Forestry Partners after joining the PrintReleaf Exchange Reforesting Project in 2014.

A most innovative and environment-friendly system for recycling the scraps of waterproofing membranes / tiles, allowing 100% recovering of the roofing material waste for its reuse as it in the production process as a component in the production process.